Hi there!
It looks like you wanted to revive the golden age of the internet, when you felt invincible with your blazing fast 14.4k modem, when memes were actually funny, and when having a "www." sub domain made sense!

Well you've come to the right place! I made this website after so many people requested that I added a "www." sub domain to my websites, at first I couldn't understand why they were asking for such an archaic feature that has no place in the modern world. However, after thinking about it for a while, I finally understood—they miss the nineties! and trust me, I get it, even though I'm only 12, I miss them too!

Make sure to visit THIS HYPER-LINK, it's where I got the inspiration for this, and it has more nineties goodness!

If you're actually not here to have a trip down nostalgia lane, but for some other bizzare reason, say you typed the URL (That's Uniform Resource Locator for all you geeks) wrong for one of the services that I run, or you sheepishly follow customs that have been obsolete for decades, then you might want to click THIS HYPER-LINK to go to the correct URL.


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